Re: SVG 2 review request

I just saw this cartoon, taken from

  In Honor of John Venn's 180th Birthday

It was a Venn Diagram (unfortunately, in JPEG rather than SVG format).
However, if it _had_ been in SVG, it could have been made accessible.
So, here's my attempt at a semantic interpretation (in mock Ruby :-).

  yo_180 = [ ... ]        # People Who Are 180 Years Old
  alive  = [ ... ]        # People Who Are Still Alive
  sa_180 = yo180 & alive  # empty set

  uvd = [ ... ]    # People Who Understand Venn Diagrams
  soh = [ ... ]    # People With a Sense of Humor
  gtj = uvd & soh  # People Who Get This Joke

Here's an interactive Ruby session, which may help the perplexed:

  >> a = [1,2]
  => [1, 2]
  >> b = [2,3]
  => [2, 3]
  >> c = a & b
  => [2]


--           Rich Morin     San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

Received on Friday, 12 August 2016 09:09:13 UTC