Re: [svg2] Should <use> be allowed to reference <view> elements?

As far as referencing a view in the same document, the circular reference
issues would come into effect, similar to a <use> referencing the parent
<svg> element.  However, if you wanted to <use> a particular view of an SVG
in a different file, it could be useful.

>From an authoring perspective,

<use href="otherFile.svg#view" />

isn't that much different from

<image href="otherFile.svg#view" />

except that you should get style inheritance for the <use>.

>From an implementation perspective, however, we'd need special rules to
enable this.  Basically, you would be re-using the <svg> (and all it's
child content), but with the modified attributes, title, and desc from the


On 4 November 2015 at 15:28, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:

> On 4 Nov 2015, at 8:13 pm, Erik Dahlström <>
> wrote:
> a <view> element defines a view for its parent <svg> element. The <use>
> element is allowed to reference <svg> elements. So, should <use> be allowed
> to reference a <view> element?
> In we resolved that
> <view> doesn’t define a view for its closest ancestor <svg>, but the outer
> <svg>.  If we allowed <use> to reference <view>, and if we were consistent
> with this decision, it wouldn’t be so useful.

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 23:08:53 UTC