Re: [css-text-decor-3] 'text-decoration-color' and SVG

Nikos Andronikos :

>You could have option 2 and 3, with text-decoration-color an alias of
>This would allow authors to re-use styles from HTML in SVG.
>In this case, the colour for stroke would remain as set elsewhere.

Note, that the property color is in use as well in SVG, therefore
it would be more consistent to relate it to this property and not
to fill or stroke.
If text-decoration-fill and text-decoration-stroke have a possible
value like 'currentTextDecorationColor' the text-decoration-color
could be reused as well and the notation would be consistent
and meaningful for SVG authors.


Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 08:21:22 UTC