End of August 2014: Winchester England [was RE: TPAC 2013 agenda requests]

Seeing Erik's note and realizing how many of you were unable to attend this year's Graphical Web (formerly SVG Open) this year  I wanted to say
a) we missed you
b) you missed a good conference: Adobe, NVidia (and by extension the Khronos Group), and many others were all talking a LOT about SVG. In case some of you have forgotten, SVG is actually quite cool (despite some current confusion about distinctions between semantics and presentation)
c) there was some very nice beer
d) (and most importantly)...(drumroll...)....

Next year's conference will be in Winchester England, hosted by The Office of National Statistics. Winchester was once the capitol of England and it still retains, I am told, much of its pre-Haussmannian charm. That is, its geometry, layout and semantics are more properly modeled by Voronoi diagrams, perhaps, than by Layout Parisien. I don't know if it has a walled center city or not, but I am confident that a random walk around the city centre (note the Englandish spelling) will leave no one lost (at least for long).

Mark the end of August 2014 on your calendars (I think the conference dates will be 27-30 August wed-fri, with workshops on the saturday). Perhaps a good time for one of your têtes-à-tête ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Dahlstrom [mailto:ed@opera.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:56 AM
To: www-svg@w3.org
Subject: TPAC 2013 agenda requests

Hello SVG WG,

I've just created a page with some info on the SVG part of the TPAC 2013 F2F meeting:


Please submit your agenda proposals to the following page to enable the chairs to setup the agenda in advance:


If you want to dial in to TPAC, please list what timeslots would make it possible for you to attend and the topics you want to discuss.

Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group Personal blog: http://my.opera.com/macdev_ed

Received on Friday, 25 October 2013 20:27:41 UTC