Re: Inline SVG sizing in CSS

Dirk Schulze <> writes:

> Did you test a combination of 'with'/'height' properties to attributes
> on the <svg> element?

Yes, a number of combinations. That is basically what all the 1458 tests
do, plus they test them inside different container elements.

> We have a resolution that both shall be treated as presentation
> attributes.

AFAIK, that is what Firefox and old Opera (presto) does. The attribute
maps to the property, but the property overrides. Where can I find the

> So one overrides the other. How does that preform in
> different browsers?

I have little experience with what IE does, but Webkit/Blink has a
percentage intrinsic system that handles percentages in a way that's
separate from the normal percentage handling in CSS. This causes many if
not all of the differences in my tests. So to be clear, Webkit/Blink
doesn't treat width/height as presentation attributes currently.


Received on Thursday, 10 October 2013 18:11:57 UTC