Re: SVG spec bug: "min" attribute values should be greater than *or equal to* 0

Hi Daniel,

(2013/11/21 7:29), Daniel Holbert wrote:
> ...
> This is a contradiction. The attribute's default value, 0, flatly does
> not satisfy the "greater than 0" requirement.

Yes, this is clearly a bug.

> SO: presumably the spec wants to say "greater than *or equal to* 0", yes?
> The SMIL spec (which these all refer to as "the normative definition for
> this attribute") does say "greater than or equal to 0", FWIW:

Yes, I notice that's also what we've implemented in Firefox.

The plan is to move all those animation definitions into a separate spec 
(currently called 'Animation Elements') so I'll make the fix there.



Received on Monday, 25 November 2013 00:56:15 UTC