Re: Thoughts about variable-width strokes in SVG2

Hi Rik,

Thanks for your feedback here.

(2013/05/07 14:59), Rik Cabanier wrote:
>     What I'm describing is an application where you build up a path by
>     drawing. Drawing using touch events is very common in mobile apps.
> Sure. Why would you vary the width by the points though.
> A user doesn't know about beziers; he just uses his figure to draw
> something. It would be very weird to have the width vary by hidden points.

Because as you push harder on the tablet or you rotate the stylus to use 
only the narrow end you expect the stroke width to change.

>     What's more, although it can probably be done quite cheaply it will
>     typically be done on the main thread unlike the variable-width
>     stroke drawing.
> Why is that? It seems like that can happen anywhere.
> Why would you even offload it? The overhead of threading will be more
> than just calculating it.

I don't think I understand what you're saying. The calculations required 
to render a variable-width stroke can potentially be done asynchronously 
along with other rendering. The work in script is almost certainly going 
to be done synchronously.

This is probably not significant though. The bigger issue is the amount 
of code required to do something common.

Note that the application I have in mind is not the only one doing this. 
SVG Edit's freehand path tool also builds up paths in this way.

>     I'm describing a real-world use case. This *is* how I want to use
>     them. If someone has a real-world use case where they want to
>     imitate brush strokes then it needs to be sent to the list so we can
>     analyse it.
>     Let's build the feature from the use cases, not the other way around.
> Sure. At the Sydney F2F I had many Illustrator examples. I'll see if I
> can dig that wiki page up again.

Yes, that's good but what's really needed is Web apps. We can already 
represent Illustrator's variable-width strokes in SVG using paths 
(that's how Illustrator exports them). What we *can't* do with SVG is 
allow those paths to be created on-demand and manipulated without doing 
a *lot* of math in script.

>     What's the application though? Why are you adding points to the
>     stroke? Once we have a real application we can determine how to
>     approach it. It might be a modification of the points-based approach
>     so that you can have gaps, or fixed offsets (as I suggested in the
>     original mail). But without a real application we can only guess.
> Let's say we have 2 bezier curve and the stroke gets thicker in the
> middle. This 'thickening' follows a catmull rom curve.
> Now, we subdivide the beziers in half so we have 4 curves. How can we
> preserve the same appearance of the variable width stroke? It doesn't
> seem easy to do with your proposal. (C

Yes, I agree something like this could be very useful but I'd like to 
see the actual application first. Why are we subdividing it?

As I suggested above, once we know that we could possibly modify (C) to 
accommodate this (perhaps by having a means of representing gaps or 
augmenting (C) to allow particular widths to be tied to fixed indices.)

Thanks Rik,


Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 06:30:35 UTC