Re: [SVGIntegration] Too many referencing modes

On 5/12/11 8:56 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> It appears that too many referencing modes are defined in the SVG
> Integration draft
> <>.  In
> practice, it appears that all we require is "Dynamic Interactive" and
> "Secure Animated" mode.  At least within HTML/CSS, "Dynamic
> Interactive" covers the behavior when SVG is embedded via<iframe>,
> <object>, or<embed>, while "Secure Animated" covers the behavior when
> it's embedded via<img>  or as a CSS image.

 From Gecko's perspective, "Animated Mode" is NOT acceptable for 
<html:img>, and not acceptable for <svg:image> for the same reasons.

We also have no plans to do different things for <img> and background 
images (hence there is no point in "Static Mode" from our point of view; 
it's not like we prevent animated GIFs or APNG in CSS backgrounds, so 
why would we prohibit declarative animation of SVG?).


Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 01:15:27 UTC