Re: agenda+ SVG 2 Features and Approach

Hi, Francis-

Francis Hemsher wrote (on 5/9/11 1:00 PM):
> I think the best approach to start this process is to go back into the
> SVG archives of W3C and list all those suggestions from over the years
> that have heretofore been ignored.

I think "ignored" is too strong a word; it can feel that way (I've been 
on both sides of the equation), but it's usually the case where the 
group simply hasn't had the right place to deal with such requests, so 
we (or they) put them on the "Someday" pile.

> The methods of discussion and decisions that result from that packet
> will surely formulate a process whereby further new ideas can be
> submitted, evaluated, and implemented into SVG2.

Systematically going through the list for past feature requests would be 
a lot of work that I don't think I could commit to performing, given 
that such requests are not necessarily worded in a way that they are 
easy to pick out, and many of them may no longer be relevant; if you or 
anyone else wants to mine the www-svg and svg-developers lists for 
ideas, that input would be welcome (especially if it were filtered for 
duplicates and prioritized).

That said, we do intend to do our best... some of the most pressing past 
features requests have already been mentioned in this thread, and we 
will continue to look through our lists and issue tracker for 
suggestions that are still relevant in the larger context of SVG as it 
is more closely integrated with CSS, HTML, various APIS, etc.

But I'd also like to see new feature requests we haven't seen before, 
and those that have been changed or refined over time from the original 

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG WG

Received on Monday, 9 May 2011 19:12:32 UTC