Re: Use case for SVG + HTML : Making puzzle

Hi Jérémie,

this demo only work with Firefox 4 beta and Firefox 3.6 [...]
> This is because of Firefox bug 265894<>.
> [...] my CSS rules are bad but work with FF.

I'm not sure I understood your question right, or if it is bare provocation,
but I'm pretty sure of the answers you might get on this mailing list :
Stick to the standards. Then find workarounds for the various buggy browsers
(in the form of feature/bug detection. not browser sniffing).

You will get better results in term of (future-proof) interoperability (i.e
when Firefox fixes its bugs), and avoid to spread bad examples with your
wonderful demo.



Received on Thursday, 9 September 2010 08:43:39 UTC