RE: why does <text/> have no firstChild with value ""

I am merely stating a fact of my expertise in implementation.  There is a difference in programming between the concepts, and that fact should be able to be modeled in data files.  It's why SQL databases have some columns that allow NULL, for instance.  A NULL column in a database could mean something different than a zero length string, depending on the business rules at hand.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Zbarsky [mailto:bzbarsky@MIT.EDU] 
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 9:23 AM
To: Paul Williams
Cc: www-svg
Subject: Re: why does <text/> have no firstChild with value ""

On 10/4/10 11:13 AM, Paul Williams wrote:
> There is a very real, and potentially important semantic difference between the following concepts:
> Empty:<text></text>
> Null:<text/>

Uh... there is?  Last I checked, the latter is just a syntactic 
shorthand for the former in XML, with no semantic difference (e.g. the 
DOM, Infoset, etc that are produced are identical).


Received on Monday, 4 October 2010 15:25:58 UTC