Re: Full 1.1 Test Suite Status Updated

> Still includes SVG fonts and SMIL. An animate version was created; but this still includes SVGFonts which is not germane to the test : Request, remove SVG Font or replace with WOFF; remove SMIL 
> interact-pevents-04-t.svg	
> Still includes SVG fonts which is not germane to the test : Request, remove SVG Font or replace with WOFF (perhaps Chris is just still updating, or perhaps I missed a few from before)
WOFF is not requirement for SVG 1.1, while SVGFonts is. Or it is at least still a part of SVG1.1. I wouldn't replace SVG Fonts with WOFF, but maybe we can add them as well. So we have different font types as fallback and have a better base of comparison between SVG viewers.


Received on Monday, 15 November 2010 20:56:06 UTC