Re: SVG Filters 2

> That reminds me of something I forgot to mention in the initial mail.
> There should be something akin to "USE" for SVG filters. Since we
> would mainly provide atomic operations, people would frequently
> define filter sequences that they want once and reuse them across
> different filters much like we use filter primitives now.

That's by the way also a mechanism that could be used to make the SVG
filters spec "updatable". Instead of providing all filter primitives
that people could possible want, the W3C could provide a "master
filter list" that people would reference, where no filter that was
once defined would ever change, but new filters could be added.
Useragents would be encouraged to create faster all-in-one code paths
for when they are referenced and simply fall back to the normal path
if the filter was unknown.

Hans Schmucker

Received on Monday, 31 May 2010 16:09:50 UTC