About shapes with translucent borders

Hi Folks,

All SVG renderes draw shapes by drawing first the fill, and then drawing 
the border on top. At 
and http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/render.html#PaintingShapesAndText , 
it is clear that the standard requests to do that.

I didn't know that, and took the time to render this svg: 
http://www.jvuletich.org/Morphic3/rects.svg like this: 
http://www.jvuletich.org/Morphic3/rectsInM3.png . It is a bit more 
complicated, but I feel it is better.

What do you think? Should I simplify my code and just draw one over the 
other? Or should the standard be changed, and SVG renderers do what I did?

Juan Vuletich

Received on Saturday, 5 June 2010 20:06:11 UTC