Re: Script in SVG vs. HTML (was: Input on the agenda)

On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:22:41 +0100, Ian Hickson <> wrote:

>> I would really like to explore allowing <![CDATA[]]> in HTML. Not sure
>> if we could allow it inside <script>s though, but it's something to look
>> into.
> My understanding is that Opera tried this and found it problematic.
> (There's a lot of content out there that says <![CDATA[ ... ]]>, and
> parsing it in the case of bad content that relies on it being ignored has
> a poor failure mode, with either content disappearing or markup appearing
> in the rendering.)

Actually we have supported CDATA sections in HTML for quite some time and I haven't seen many bugs about it. It would be useful to research text/html content that contains "<![CDATA[", though.

I'll also note that if SVG <script> becomes CDATA, the need for supporting CDATA sections is reduced.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2009 08:29:38 UTC