Re: Making it possible to use an <svg> root in text/html

On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:43 , Henri Sivonen wrote:
> On Mar 6, 2009, at 08:03, Dana Lee Ling wrote:
>> A reason that simply using XHTML will not work?
> There's no "simply" in using XHTML. :-) The (X)HTML bits could  
> easily come from a system that can't guarantee well-formedness.

Right, I think the overriding concern for allowing <svg> as the root  
in text/html is the "make everyone happy" use case. People who want to  
use an XML toolset can "simply" use XHTML throughout, and it'll still  
just work, but people who don't care, or who for some reason can't  
implement it, can still use SVG/HTML. This option would have been more  
problematic a bunch of years ago when parsing HTML was a largely  
undefined mess, but now that it's being tightly defined and there are  
tools to do so, it means that data encoded that way is no longer more  
or less lost in final form. We can have our angle brackets and eat  
them too.

Robin Berjon -
     Feel like hiring me? Go to

Received on Monday, 9 March 2009 10:58:59 UTC