Re: Some thoughts on DOM 2.0, Simpler

Jonathan Watt wrote:

> Anyway, we're getting into "I think this group of third party people think X,
> and you think they think Y". I guess we've both got different experiences of the
> "general author".

Well, as a user struggling with learning this stuff I find obtuse 
misnaming infuriatingly unnecessarily. Doing 'what it says in the tin' 
matters. Consistency in naming schemes matters. When one thing has 
camelCase and another a dash, 'viewBox' & 'stroke-dasharray', I think 
'why the hell couldn't these bozos get their act together?' I'm only 56, 
but lack of consideration wastes my remaining life having to memorize 
these things.

Charles Lamont

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2009 15:31:30 UTC