Re: possible errata: SVG 1.1/1.2 tspan Element dx Attribute definition

Helder Magalhães wrote:
>> There is currently a difference in rendering between UAs, and no
>> errata found.
> I'd say the differences can be implementation issues (i.e., not
> respecting the default value for "xml:space", which is not to preserve
> white space)...?

That's not correct.  As far as I can see, in XML 1.0 the default 
behavior is up to the application (in this case, it would have to either 
be specified by the SVG specification, or left up to implementors).  See 
XML 1.0 section 2.10 (which you even cited!).  Also note that the 
white-space must be preserved by the XML processor no matter what; it's 
not clear to me in practice whether this means that it must be present 
in the DOM or not.

In any case, Jonathan is right that SVG seems to be underspecified on 
this matter.


Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 13:30:42 UTC