State of Implementation and Use of SVG DOM Features (was: Agenda, 5 August 2009 SVG WG telcon)

Hi, Folks-

I'm attending a conference this week, so I might want to bow out of the 
conference early to get some sleep.

But I would like to discuss the DOM API stuff... specifically, I think 
it might be fruitful for us do a survey of implemented/used SVG DOM 
features, when looking at how much and what we can effectively simplify 
in the SVG DOM API.

One thing I'd like to do is look at the various SVG script libraries, 
like dojo.gfx and such, since they may well use the fullest extent of 
SVG DOM features available cross-browser.

I also think it would be useful for us to make sure we have tests for 
all the SVG DOM interfaces, and do some interoperability testing, so we 
can ensure that there is an effective baseline of functionality for 
authors.  This would also help relatively new efforts, like SVG Web, in 
establishing what should be high-priority implementation targets, in 
terms of the DOM.  We don't want folks "wasting" time implementing stuff 
that can only be used in that one implementation, when they could be 
closing in on interop with other implementations.

Hopefully, we can also get for a report from MAMA on what content uses 
which SVG DOM features.

Finally, on a relatied note, I'd like to discuss what the SVG WG should 
do about the proposal to deprecate/remove DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, and 

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Cameron McCormack wrote (on 8/4/09 3:42 AM):
> Hello everyone.
> Below is the agenda for tomorrow’s SVG WG telcon.
> * SVG 1.1 Second Edition progress, tests
> * Test suite template
> * Pinned clip module
> * SVG DOM improvements
> * filterRes rounding [www-svg]
> * feGaussianBlur [www-svg]
> * Inheritance during SVG animation of CSS properties [www-svg]
> * possible errata: SVG 1.1/1.2 tspan Element dx Attribute definition [www-svg]
> * CSS images module [www-svg]
> * feDistantLight [www-svg]
> Thanks,
> Cameron

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 05:50:45 UTC