Re: [SVG 1.2T LC] lose the 'aria:' in role attribute examples using WAI-ARIA roles (ISSUE-2075)

Hi, Al-

Comments inline...

Al Gilman wrote (on 9/28/08 4:47 PM):
> Reference: string-search for all instances of 'aria:' in
> the one-page version of the 15 September 2008 draft
> Repair may be implemented by removing the initial substring 'aria:' from
> the indicated symbols.

I've removed all the offending prefixes. [1]

This does raise another question, which I think the WAI-ARIA spec should
address:  who "owns" the list of role values?  Since @role is intended
for general use in addition to use with ARIA (as per the XHTML Role
Attribute Module [2]); there is a list of roles [3] (a compilation,
perhaps?)... is this meant to be a registry of roles?

If I specify roles in an SVG spec, and they overlap or conflict with
roles define in some other language, how is that resolved?

> The WAI-ARIA approach for indicating role values that are defined
> in the WAI-ARIA spec is that they appear without a colon-ized prefix.
> <quote cite="">
> The rules of the host language are used to detect that an element has an
> attribute with attribute name of "role" and to identify the attribute
> value string for that attribute.
> The attribute value string for that attribute is broken into a sequence
> of whitespace-free substrings by separating on whitespace.
> The substrings are compared in a case-sensitive comparison with all the
> names of concrete ARIA roles as defined above.
> The first such substring in textual order that matches the name of a
> concrete ARIA role is the name of the applicable ARIA role.
> </quote>

Given that the XHTML Role Attribute Module specifies a CURIE for its
value, I think it could (evidently) lead to confusion about whether ARIA
role values are prefixed, so I would suggest that you make it explicit
that they should not be, if that's your firm intent.

However, there may be a use case for the prefix, if the matter of a
"role registry" isn't cleared up, so maybe it shouldn't be outright

> Now, WAI-ARIA is a work in progress, but that is the current state of
> our host-language implementation approach and I don't expect that part
> to change.
> As these role names appear in an informative capacity in examples, I
> don't believe this change affects conformance to the subject spec and so
> should not upset the implementation report status.

Nope, no problem.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Thursday, 9 October 2008 05:33:56 UTC