Re: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification should link to CSS2.1 CR

Hi, Mohamed-

Innovimax SARL wrote (on 11/3/08 3:07 AM):
> My concern is more or less that "to be released" CSS 2.1
> implementations, would have trouble to keep in sync with SVG Tiny 1.2
> implementations since SVG is relying on CSS 2 (which has substantial
> difference with 2.1).
> Probably a good thing is to identify dependency on "CSS 2 only" behavior
> and to provide a evolution plan to CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 features for future
> release of SVG specs

Having reviewed the SVG and CSS specs, the SVG WG doesn't believe there
are any significant differences in the parts of CSS 2 and CSS 2.1 that
we depend upon, so a normative reference to CSS 2 should not constrain
any CSS 2.1 implementation.  So, it's not that we have a dependency on
CSS 2 vs. CSS 2.1, but rather that we don't have a strict dependency on
either one.  Since the Process Document does not allow normative
dependencies on specs less advanced along the Rec track, we have no
choice but to reference CSS 2 until CSS 2.1 is more mature.

Going forward, the SVG WG does intend to align with CSS 2.1 and CSS 3
instead, so we don't anticipate any conflicts there as well.

I hope that this satisfies your comment.  Please let us know immediately
in either case, as we intend to make our transition call tomorrow.


Received on Monday, 3 November 2008 16:38:27 UTC