Re: [1.2T-LC] text-align and text-anchor with direction (ISSUE-2171)

Hi, fantasai-

fantasai wrote (on 11/3/08 1:11 AM):
>> [[
>> Within text content elements, the alignment of text with regards to the
>> 'text-anchor' or 'text-align'  properties is determined by the values of
>> the 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'  properties. For example, given a
>> 'text' element with a 'text-anchor'  value of "end", for a 'direction'
>> value of "ltr", the text will extend to the left of the position of the
>> 'text' element's 'x'  attribute value, while for 'direction'  value of
>> "rtl", the text will extend to the right of the position of the 'text'
>> element's 'x'  attribute value.
>> ]]
>> Please let us know right away if this satisfies your comment, or if not,
>> what changes we can make to do so.
> A. 'unicode-bidi' should have no effect. Remove that from your sentence.

I was rather suspect about that myself, but it was late when I wrote
that passage.

> B. This does not make the necessary normative changes to the definitions
>    of 'start' and 'end' for text-anchor and text-align. 'start' and 'end'
>    should be defined in terms of 'direction'.

I've changed the definitions of 'text-anchor' [1] and 'text-align' [2]
as you suggest (indeed, the bit in 'text-anchor' about start=left in
Arabic was flat-out wrong).

Please let us know posthaste if these changes satisfy your comment.



Received on Monday, 3 November 2008 16:27:15 UTC