Re: Resolving IRIs for resource documents in SVG Tiny 1.2

Robert O'Callahan:
> says:
> > The rule for SVG is that documents are considered to be unique based
> > on string comparisons of the full IRI after resolving relative IRIs
> > into absolute IRIs and after taking into account HTTP redirects
> > (i.e., use the post-redirect IRI instead of the original source
> > IRI).
> >
> This seems to imply that if I have a document that contains many resource
> references with the same relative URI, I have to perform an HTTP transaction
> for each one to see if any of them result in a redirect. Wouldn't it make a
> lot more sense to use the pre-redirect URI as the dictionary key, so I can
> avoid a lot of network transactions?

That does make sense, IMO.  I don’t know that there’s any real use case
for using the post-redirect URI as the thing to check against.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Friday, 16 May 2008 07:12:16 UTC