Referencing prefetch

In a conversation with Doug Schepers on IRC, I said something like the  

"Hrm, I'm a little surprised that the <prefetch> element doesn't have  
a unique ID that you can use to reference its cached media from  
another source."

He asked me to pass it along to the list, so here I am. For example, I  
was thinking of something like:

     <prefetch id="gkhead" xlink:href=" 
gkhead.jpg" />
   <image xlink:href="#gkhead" />

I suppose the current design (which must use the url as a key into a  
cache hash of some sort) is nice because it allows authors to not  
specify prefetch at all, and then later add a prefetch line and have  
everything 'just work' without being hooked up.

On the other hand, it makes the assumption that each unique URI will  
have unchanging media results. Maybe this is a desirable assumption. I  
would expect this to lean on HTTP headers when available to determine  
if the value can be cached for each fetch or not, though.

So, I don't have any strong arguments one way or the other. Since I  
was asked, I'm just sharing some opinions with you. :)

Received on Thursday, 20 March 2008 13:36:26 UTC