<use> title or xlink:title?

<use> title or xlink:title?

Erik & WG,

should the xlink:title be displayed in a tooltip, where an anchor with  
xlink:title and an id in a remote file is referenced?
this is filed as Opera bug #346901

it would also be excellent to get some input from the WG regarding the  
issue of heirarchy and title
in a previous thread we discussed whether UA should  displays tooltip  
I feel this is far too complex, and in the first instance only the  
outermost title should be displayed in a tooltip.
currently Opera displays the innermost....


Jonathan Chetwynd


+44 (0) 20 7978 1764

The effect of a 'use' element is as if the SVG Element contents of the  
referenced element were deeply cloned into a separate non-exposed DOM  
tree which had the 'use' element as its parent and all of the 'use'  
element's ancestors as its higher-level ancestors. Because the cloned  
DOM tree is non-exposed, the SVG Document Object Model (DOM) only  
contains the 'use' element and its attributes. The SVG DOM does not  
show the referenced element's contents as children of the 'use'  
element. The deeply-cloned tree, also referred to as the shadow tree,  
is then kept in synchronization with the contents of the referenced  
element, so that any animation, DOM manipulation, or non-DOM  
interactive state occurring on the referenced element are also applied  
to the 'use' element's deeply-cloned tree.

Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 07:57:26 UTC