Re: dilemma of cache: two types of image

Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
> How is the user to know whether an icon that they have incorporated into 

By user, you mean author.

> a page, is one that metamorphes, and how often?

They don't need to.  Only the person who placed the image on the server 
needs to know that.  If that person doesn't know, you have a problem 
that cannot really be solved by automation.

> this is in addition to the issue previously raised regarding the 
> relative difficulty of setting up a browser and server with different 
> cache rules.

Browsers are a red herring.  The only reason for modifying browser cache 
  policies is if you want to contradict server policies, e.g. if you 
prefer reducing bandwidth to having the very latest version.  Browser 
manipulation should never be used to implement global policies.

Received on Thursday, 24 July 2008 22:54:22 UTC