Question about animate-elem-201-t


I have a question regarding the 3rd square of the animate-elem-201-t
SVGT 1.2 test set. (the one referenced by "Second interval will start
late". (see bellow for the subset of the svg document)

Can somebody point out to me were it is said in the specification that
the triggers become "visible" only once they have been executed ? 
Why isn't it possible to create the list of arcs before executing the
complete SVG file ? (and in this case the end time will be known by the
UA already at 3s and the test would fail)

As a note Opera, behave as expected by the test when the page is opened.
However, if one press the stop button and then the play button to
re-play the animation, then the square moves already at 3s. And thus
fail the test.

--- code:

<!-- The second interval will start late at 4s (instead of at 3 s) since
     that is the earliest time it can get an end time to the interval.
<text x="315" y="215" text-anchor="end">Second interval will start

<rect x="320" y="200" width="40" height="20" fill="#FA5" stroke="#555">
 <animate attributeName="x" from="400" to="400" 
          begin="1;3;8" end="syncbase01.begin+2"/>
<set xml:id="syncbase01" attributeName="visibility" to="visible" 


Julien Reichel, PhD
Technology Architect, SpinetiX S.A.
PSE-C, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

Tel:     +41 (0) 21 693 89 81
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Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2008 13:22:48 UTC