- From: ~:'' ???????????? <j.chetwynd@btinternet.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 07:22:05 +0000
- To: #WONG GHEE MENG# <WONG0187@ntu.edu.sg>
- Cc: www-svg List <www-svg@w3.org>
Gheemeng this list is mainly for SVG specification discussions, your question might better be addressed to: svg-developers@yahoogroups.com I asked a similar question about altering perspective a few weeks ago: Re: how to create perspective in pattern? http://www.mail-archive.com/svg-developers@yahoogroups.com/ in short it isn't possible but there may be workarounds. kind regards Jonathan Chetwynd Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet On 27 Jan 2008, at 18:25, #WONG GHEE MENG# wrote: To Sir/Madam, Hi, is there any method that I can implement a 3x3 matrix in the SVG transform? I am currently trying to tilt the map into a bird view from different angle. I’m thinking of changing the value of the matrix for every SVGPoint it accessing with an algorithm. But I’m having problem in accessing every SVGPoint. Is there anyway better idea that I can tilt the map?! Thank you. Regards, Wong Gheemeng <north_rotate.svg>
Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 07:22:39 UTC