Re: getNumberOfChars(), 16-bit units, and Acid3

Ian Hickson:
> I can't update the test without knowing what the other methods are going 
> to be changed to.
> What's the start position of each part of a surrogate pair?
> Specifically, what's the return value of getStartPositonOfChar() and 
> t.getEndPositionOfChar() with a surrogate pair high word and with a 
> surrogate pair low word?

That should be treated just like multiple-character glyphs (like
ligatures), i.e. getStartPositionOfChar(firstSurrogate) ==
getStartPositionOfChar(secondSurrogate), and same for

But I will clarify those methods in other errata that I’ll have to

> Is there an errata I can look at?
(member-only, but Google is a member so you should be fine).  That just
covers getNumberOfChars(), and it’s still to be agreed ot be the group
(but should be); errata for the other methods I still have to write.

So you can hold off on making that test change until I write those, if
you want.


Cameron McCormack,  ▪  ICQ 26955922  ▪  MSN

Received on Friday, 15 February 2008 01:31:02 UTC