Re: marker property interpretation

To be sure, this is not lost in the last month,
just my interpretation:

The definition of the marker property:

Value:  	see individual properties

And for the individual properties:

'marker-start', 'marker-end', marker-mid'
Value:  	none | inherit | <uri>

This results in
Value:  none | inherit | <uri>

And about <uri>:

Therefore 'marker', 'marker-start', 'marker-end', marker-mid' do 
only have a single value, no list and no fallback semantics as 
for example available for <paint>.

To resume, 
marker: url(#marker1);
looks for me correct too and
marker: url(#marker1)  url(#marker1)  url(#marker1);
looks wrong; this would be ok too:
marker-start: url(#marker1); 
marker-mid: url(#marker1); 

And: there is no presentation attribute for 'marker' in the DTD, 
only for 'marker-start', 'marker-end', marker-mid', therefore
'marker' can be only used with the CSS notation.

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:54:53 UTC