Re: ARIA and the user's rôle

~:'' ありがとうございました。 wrote:

> how is it proposed that the non-developer author aria compliant documents?

I think that will only happen if authoring tools are created that create 
a strong framework, and even then, unless you remove a lot of the power 
of the language from users, most such features will require that the 
author has a reasonably good understanding of language, including good 
introspection of their own use of language, and the motivation to not 
take short cuts.  Professional authors will probably not want to use 
such constrained tools, so a business model will need to be created that 
supports the creation of such tools.

As currently the case with all semantic and accessibility features, most 
professional authors will lack the motivation, and possibly the language 
introspection, to use them as well, but will not accept the constraints 
of a tool that requires that you use its control components.  The same 
factors that mean that designers are generating slightly better 
structured code and slightly more accessible sites, with time, may 
eventually increase use in this class.

Documents will degrade gracefully to non-semantic form, so what will be 
lost is the gain; one will be in no worse a position than before any 
user agent support was added, which is a much better situation than 
relying on the latest popular browser's proprietary presentational features.

David Woolley
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Received on Friday, 5 October 2007 07:02:21 UTC