Re: @role in SVG

Hi, Simon-

Simon Pieters wrote (on 10/4/2007 1:19 PM):
> I've updated the spec and the test cases to remove support for html:role 
> altogether and add support for role="" and aria-foo="" on SVG elements.
> At some point perhaps the aaa:foo="" attributes can be removed as well.

We haven't yet talked about it in the SVG WG, so I don't want to commit 
to anything specific.  But we do want to make it work, and our ears are 

I see it as a goal that role would work in SVG in as similar a manner as 
possible to (X)HTML; this includes syntax, for ease of authoring.  At 
the same time, there are several details that would need to be worked 
out, not the least of which is that SVG and HTML5 have very different 
approaches to namespaces.

Can you tell me how your document relates to the XHTML2 WG's Role 
Attribute Module [1]?  That spec states, "If the host language does not 
incorporate the XHTML Role Attribute Module attribute into its own 
namespace, the document MUST contain an xmlns declaration for the XHTML 
Role Attribute Module namespace."

Also, are you planning to support the idea of Compact URIs [3], or do 
you deal with that in some other way?

Note that I'm not trying to be political here, and that I what I value 
most is getting this functionality working in SVG (and HTML), but we 
need to know everything that's on the table, and to be respectful of the 
hard work that everyone has done here.

(Note, for those readers not familiar with ARIA, please read [3] and [4] 
for background.)


-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2007 17:44:58 UTC