Re: [Inkscape-user] Equivalent to Illustrator's Gradient Mesh?

> What are your own thoughts/requirements?

Well, I'm mainly a user (and currently 'invited expert').
What I found is, that several simple things are already 
available in SVG1.1, but they require some thinking and
number crunching from the user to get something useful.
It is not just a color gradient, it is an opacity-gradient
too, therefore it is possible to use a stack of arbitrary
shapes with different linear and radial gradients and to 
superpose them somehow. And there are Filters too,
to get a more flexible superposition as only opacity.
But for these existing gradients it would be already
nice to have a spline interpolation (as for animation)
to get more control with less data and less own 
number crunching.

A general gradient rgba-color-value(x,y) requires some 
generalized Bezier notation anyway, as far as I can
see (but I have no experience in this area). 
And the result should be restricted to the rgba-space 
automatically to avoid nonsense and frustration. 
Thats a function |R^2 -> |R^4, maybe one dimension
more including animation, that is already huge for
SVG viewers, therefore it requires a good notation
to reduce data.

I did not calculate yet, if the existing possibilities
cover really my needs (some day I would like to
animate 2D-quantum-mechanical wavefunctions
using animated gradients and filters; what I already
realised is an animated simulation of classical 
interference structures from plane or radial waves 
using a superposition of existing gradients), but 
what I can see is a big benefit of a simplified or simple 
notation of a general gradient of the type 
rgba-color-value(x,y) with some Bezier notation.

Received on Sunday, 20 May 2007 14:30:19 UTC