Re: SVG Animation - Freezed values with calcMode="discrete"


hmm the fun with my example is, that
Opera (up to 9.10) freezes the animation using 
keyTimes at the value of 600, just without 
keyTimes it freezes at 850.

The blue stroked circle #c1 without keyTimes
freezes at 850 with opera, the red circle #c2 
with keyTimes freezes at 600, fitting to the 
time model, I believe to understand from SMIL.

But the keyTimes are choosen in a way,
they should be calculated by the viewer, if no
keyTimes are offered, therefore the two 
animations should generate the same visible effect.
This is one keypoint of the test.
If the two animations are different, as in Opera,
there is a problem anyway. In this case one has
to explain, why automatically calulated keyTimes
generate another result as explicitely given

This leaves the question, if this time interval
model interpretation is really correct or not and
it if not, it would be interesting to identify the
point in the SMIL specification, that suggests
another consistent result...

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2007 17:56:18 UTC