www-svg@w3.org from October 2006 by subject

:loading :loaded :missing :corrupt

[Comments] 10 August 2006 Candidate Recommendation of SVG Tiny 1.2

[SVG Tiny 1.2 CR Comment] clarification of load event

[SVG Tiny 1.2 CR Comment] interaction of discard and scripting

[SVG Tiny 1.2 CR Comment] spec text of rendering hints is confusing to implementors

[SVGMobile12] Comments: 10 August 2006 Candidate Recommendation of SVG Tiny 1.2

AT: Capture animateTransform in real time

Graphic %

Official WebSite for JavaScript Documentation

Population simulations using SVG animation

SVG Layers : Help needed

SVG Tiny 1.2 CR2006-08-10: 7.7 Constrained Transformations

SVG Tiny Libraries

Using defs declared in different files

Why does SVG overload xml:space?

XLink 1.1: behaviour of simple links without a show attribute

Last message date: Monday, 30 October 2006 21:49:14 UTC