Population simulations using SVG animation


I have a Ruby script which can generate circles of various diameters,
positions and fill colours (depending on whether there is overlap
with other circles). These circles represent sub-populations and
overlapping circles represents a level of dispersal between

I want to be able to make the populations dynamic (changing for each
generation) which will affect the position and diameter of each circle
ie the sub-pops can be moving, growing & shrinking i.e. the circles are
animated.  This of course may also mean the fill colours would change if
the overlapping of the sub-pops changes.

Could someone direct me to the most sensible way of coding this? - ie
direct me to some code that will animate one circle to begin with (size
and position).


Philip Rhoades

Pricom Pty Limited  (ACN 003 252 275  ABN 91 003 252 275)
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Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 01:20:05 UTC