Re: SVG12: eRR for invisible content

>* Robin Berjon wrote:
>>Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>>> states
>>> that invisible external content is not required to be loaded, yet it
>>> requires for externalResourcesRequired="true" that certain things can
>>> not happen until the external resource is loaded. It is unclear whether
>>> this requires deadlock or whether externalResourcesRequired may be
>>> ignored for invisible content. Please change the draft such that pro-
>>> cessing in this case is well-defined.
>>Since eRR is a processing requirement whereas not loading invisible 
>>media is a permitted optimization, the former naturally takes over. The 
>>draft has been clarified to make this more obvious.
>What is the new text here? Due to major new errors I can't review
>the text in the latest draft, I've explained this in detail in

The new text is:

Indicates that resources external to the current document are required. 
If an external resource is not available (for example the request for 
the required resource times out), progressive rendering is suspended, 
the document's load event is not fired and the document goes into an 
error state (see Error processing). The document remains in an error 
state until all required resources become available.

Thank you for your thorough review.  Please let us know shortly if  
this does not address your concerns.


Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 13:27:37 UTC