Re: SVG12: 13_01.svg sample rendering incorrect

Hi Bjoern,

Bjoern Hoehrmann a écrit :
> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
>   I said earlier that I think there are still incorrect renderings in
> the SVG Tiny 1.2 draft but the Working Group assured me that all ex-
> amples have been checked and are correct. The example 13_01.svg as in
> does
> look still incorrect to me. Given the backwards-incompatible change made
> to the x1, x2, y1, y2 attributes the gradient should go from top left to
> bottom right, not from left to right as would be the case in SVG 1.1
> where the example originates from.
> It is not clear to me whether the rendering is in error or the draft,
> it seems the draft never explains the changes to the default values or
> how implementations and authoring tools should handle this change. I've
> raised a related issue one year ago
> but the Working Group never formally addressed my last call comment.
> Please formally address last call comments. Please also include more
> details regarding backwards-incompatible changes to the SVG format and
> how implementations should handle the resulting problems. Finally,
> please change the draft such that the sample rendering is no longer
> incorrect.
This issue was raised in the WG and it was concluded that the sample was right and the spec was wrong and indeed backwards-incompatible. The spec has now been fixed (so is in accordance with the example) to say that the default value for y2 is 0.

Hope this clarifies the situation,


Cyril Concolato
> regards,

Received on Monday, 20 March 2006 09:51:51 UTC