Re: [SVGMobile12] script element processing

On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:20:49 +0200, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
>>> If someone dumps a bunch of elements as children if a script element,
>>> for a non-xml scripting language, they should not be surprised if the
>>> script engine becomes upset.
> AvK> That doesn't really help me implementing this.
> Actually it does; if your script implementation gets a bunch of pointy  
> brackets and stuff then it does whatever that language definition says  
> to do with such things.

How could it ever get brackets? Those are _elements_ not brackets.  
Brackets are encoded like &lt; or whatever or are inside some CDATA  
section. I'm asking about getting the text value within a script element.

> Its rather like asking what
> {
>   color: red;
>   <?Hey Anne isn't this odd?>
>   font-style: italic }
> does.

If it was in an external style sheet that would be well defined. For  
inline style sheets in some XML tree it's not really clear.

> AvK>  Could you please provide a
> AvK> specific algorithm such as
> AvK> provides.
> Didn't I point you to a specific algorithm (from a W3C Rec) already?


Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 21:34:53 UTC