Re: [SVGMobile12] Processing model for unknown elements

Hello www-svg,

Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> In SVG Tiny 1.2 it currently states[1]:
>   Within an SVG document fragment, unknown elements, including unknown
>   elements in the SVG or XML Events namespaces as well as known elements
>   in the SVG or XML Events namespaces occuring in unexpected locations,
>   and their descendant elements do not participate in SVG rendering and
>   are not processed beyond their contribution to the construction of the
>   DOM. The processing model for unknown elements is equivalent to an
>   <svg:g> element with the 'display' property set to 'none'.
> I think it should be made clear what the "processing model" here means.
> Does it mean that the unknown elements have DOM objects that implement
> SVGLocatableElement, since that is what 'g' elements have?  Or just that
> the rendering model is the same as for a "display: none"ed group (which
> is what I suspect)?

You are right. We suggest rewording the last sentence to start "The
rendering for unknown elements is ..."

Given that, is it clear enough or do we need to add something like "Note
that elements outside the SVG namespace do not implement any
SVG-specific DOM methods" but thought that was a bit tautologous and
would be exactly the sort of sentence that we would later wonder why we
put it in. And it does mean that elements in the 'known elements
occurring in unexpected locations' still implement their
normal interfaces.

BTW the 'group with display="none"' model is meant to imply that any SVG
elements which are children of the unknown element will not display:

  <circle r="20"/>

The circle does not display.

Does that cover your comment?

 Chris Lilley          
 Interaction Domain Leader
 Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2006 07:26:42 UTC