I did some work on an SVG validator

I hacked together an SVG validator that might, even if only for ideas, be
useful for a future W3C SVG validator improvement.

Next to just telling you what's wrong with your SVG:
- It tells you about errors induced by inaccurate use of the shift key.
- It gives some applied advice taken from Jonathan Watt's authoring
guidelines for cross-viewer SVG content developement

Some serious known current limitations
- I parsed ZVON's SVG reference and some additions, which is far from
perfect (I need to learn DTDs and regexp really, but this work has been
done, right?)
- attributevalues are only checked when all options are literals
- all these literals are allowed for every element allowing that attribute
- nothing of the result links to the spec

for an example

Please give me some feedback on this,



Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2006 04:16:16 UTC