Re: SVG12: display:none elements should receive events

* Jon Ferraiolo wrote:
>Speaking unofficially (i.e., not representating the WG), I would suggest
>that it doesn't matter whether the mouse event is originated by the UA
>responding to an actual mouse click or created via DOM APIs -- the
>effect would be the same (i.e., an object with display=none does not
>receive the event).

Well, Opera9, Batik, and FireFox don't implement this restriction then,
which means about all SVG implementations that support these features of
DOM Level 2 Events at all. It's also a weird model, what would this mean
e.g. if display:none is set while the event accomplishes the capture
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 16:36:34 UTC