[SVGMobile12] A.2.7 Display normalization

Dear SVG WG,

http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/svgudom.html#DisplayNormalization : section
A.2.7 under the section Display Normalization says:

   For viewers in multiple namespaces, e.g. a CDF viewer, the different
   'display' properties are of importance and therefore an SVGT1.2 viewer
   intended for use in a multiple namespace environment is strongly
   recommended to keep the full range of 'display' values.

In the case of CDF viewers display values are most likely not semantically
identical when inherited down through some SVG and into some non-SVG child
content. Please change the prose to _must_ or to require CDF viewers to ensure
that they will behave as if they were to maintain the full range of 'display'
values. Otherwise child HTML, say, may end up displaying completely differently
in different viewers.


Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 18:39:55 UTC