RE: [SVGMobile12] Rendering tree

Quoting Ola Andersson <>:
>> I don't really understand the last sentence. What exactly happens when I
>> reference a <rect> element which has its 'display' property set to
>> 'none'? Does it matter how I set the 'display' property?
> The DOM tree just contains the use elements and the elements they
> reference, you don't copy the referenced element and put it as a child
> to the use.

That much was clear to me :-)

> In the rendering tree however, this is what you do. A
> referenced rect with 'none' display is not in the rendering tree, a
> visible rect is.

So if I reference a <rect> element which either has 'display:none' set or some
ancestor has 'display:none' set it will never be drawn?

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 10:15:21 UTC