RE: Request For Feedback: Traits

Hi, Cameron-

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. As a side note, though, I want to
emphasize that this is a discussion about Traits specifically, not the whole
of the uDOM. This is not to say that there are not issues to be resolved
there, but I would like to focus this thread on Traits only.

A couple specific commments...

Cameron McCormack wrote:
| I think it is useful, since I see many scripts (including some of my
| own, when I can't be bothered) that do something like:
|   var x = Number(rect.getAttributeNS(null, "x"));
| ignoring the fact that units may have been used.

Yes, that's another useful aspect. Thanks.

|     I'm actually not sure if setting traits is meant to change the
|     corresponding attribute or not.  It states:
|       Setting a trait value has the same effect as changing a
|       corresponding attribute...
|     yet the effect of changing the corresponding attribute isn't that
|     the attribute changes (that's the cause).  I think it should be
|     clarified whether the attribute value changes or not, and it would
|     make sense if the attribute value was changed.

I think we may have reached a conclusion on this, but will defer to M.
Berjon for a definitive answer.

Doug ...for scalable solutions.

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 07:17:41 UTC