Re: New JSR 287 to Bring SVG Tiny 1.2 Support to the Java ME Platform

On Jan 03, 2006, at 20:24, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> Why are these organizations thinking about subsetting SVG Tiny 1.2?
> Isn't that somehow bad for interoperability?

I think they're just being careful, SVG Tiny 1.2 not being a Rec yet  
and they having just chartered their EG (they only have two members  
so far).

It's a general rule of standards organisations that when they look at  
work produced elsewhere their first thought is that it's laughably  
bloated and must have been produced by academically isolated endemic  
morons who don't understand the industry, the technology, common  
sense, love of $DEITY, etc.. Then they either decide to subset or to  
reinvent, and emerge two years later shadowing everything feature for  
feature at great pain, with incompatibilities, and a few extras  
poorly bolted on. I certainly hope that JSR 287 won't be walking that  
path :)

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 19:46:29 UTC