Re: [SVGMobile12] 2.1.5: SVG not appropriate for multi-namespace use

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Jonathan Watt wrote:
>> So:
>>   <text font-size="10" ...>
>> is legal in Tiny implementations but illegal in CSS conforming,
>> multi-namespace, Full implementations.
> No, CSS is independent of the font-size attribute.

No it's not. The SVG 1.1 spec says "For user agents that support CSS, the 
presentation attributes must be translated to corresponding CSS style rules 
according to rules described in section 6.4.4 of the CSS2 specification". 
Clearly the presentation attributes aren't independent of CSS, and I'm not so 
sure any more that it's right for Mozilla to implicitly add 'px' when doing the 
translation when given a unitless value. This will affect the CSS value returned 
by getPresentationAttribute, and it will inherit with the 'px'.

> The font-size attribute 
> is an SVG-specific thing with SVG-specific syntax (notwithstanding the 
> issue of the SVG 1.2 Tiny spec normatively referencing the CSS spec).
> Only in the "style" attribute, in <style> blocks, and in external 
> stylesheets is CSS' syntax relevant.

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 18:15:13 UTC