[SVGMobile12] textContent defined via incomplete copy/paste and incompatibly

The definition of the "textContent" attribute in the uDOM (when it's supported) 
is an incomplete copy/paste of the DOM3 Core definition.  Furthermore, the 
additional restrictions placed on it make it not compatible with the DOM3 Core 
version (for example, an SVG UA that implements DOM3 Core cannot return null for 
the textContent attribute on any Element (per DOM3 Core), while the uDOM 
requires it to do just that.

Please resolve the inconsistency, preferably by just deferring to the DOM3 
textContent property definition completely.

I should note that implementing the DOM3 Core version just requires a very 
straightforward tree traversal and very little code, and that this code will 
have to be written anyway to support textContent on 'desc', 'title', 'metadata', 
etc., so I'm not sure why the uDOM is restricting textContent in the first place.


Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 16:38:01 UTC