RE: [SVGMobile12] Question on handling of <script> with xlink:href and child nodes

Hi, Ian-

Thanks for the response.

Ian Hickson wrote:
| On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Doug Schepers wrote:
| > 
| > | > By the way, I assume that a <script> element with non-text 
| > | children is in 
| > | > error, right?
| > | 
| > | It can't be in error, there might be XML based script languages.
| > 
| > Good catch, Jim. Does wording need to be put in the spec to 
| cover this
| > eventuality?
| The W3C already has at least one XML-based scripting language 
| in REC, and 
| has recently published a WD for another XML-based scripting 
| language, so 
| I'd say yes.
| XForms Actions:
| REX:

Very good examples, Ian, and I suspect more XML scripting languages are on
the way. My only question is whether these would need to be contained within
a script block, or only properly namespaced (and accessed in a UA that
implements them)? I would be happy to raise this as a topic for discussion
with the SVG WG, if the public consensus is that they need to be (or can be)
executable children of a script element.

Doug ...for scalable solutions.

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2006 20:59:04 UTC