Re: SVG12: inconsistent/undefined data types

Hi Björn,

On Jul 23, 2006, at 02:39, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> <text> is not defined anywhere

That's just a convention used in the informative tables, and defined  
for use there. It's not used elsewhere in the specification.

> <iri> is referred to but not defined

This is a leftover from when they were IRIs, now changed to XMLRIs.  
This has been changed.

> some definitions are highly misleading such as
>   <transform-list> : The detailed description of the possible  
> values for
>   a <transform-list> are detailed in Modifying the User Coordinate
>   System: the transform attribute.
> As the definition of the transform attribute also uses the non- 
> terminal
> symbol name "transform-list" but the two instances of the symbol are
> very different.

These have now been disambiguated by using different names.

> Some definitions are just bogus, for example,
>   <ContentType> : an Internet Media type, as per [RFC2046].

Chris is currently writing a more general response on this topic.

Thank you very much for your comments,

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 16:45:55 UTC